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摇臂开关主要电压/3.5A钮子开关重要电流/摇柄开关性能要点 Ruifeng Micro Switch Factory was founded in 1991. It is a joint venture enterprise engaged in the pr
2016-11-05 |
防护式防水轻触开关/双行程动作轻触开关/长寿命硅胶轻触开关 Ruifeng micro-switch for many years, we in order to ensure stability, high-quality product quality,
2016-11-05 |
超薄带灯轻触开关/贴片发光轻触开关/迷你LED轻触按键开关 Ruifeng micro switch factory in 1991, focus on the DC socket, headphone jack, toggle switch, waterpr
2016-11-05 |
带灯自锁开关尺寸选用/防水按键开关规格选购/自锁开关封装 Micro Switch Factory was established in 1991, is a contract and keeping promises enterprises. Is a p
2016-11-05 |
防水拨动开关选用手册/发光拨动开关电路/滑动开关资料提供 The company has a factory area of ??more than 18,000 square meters, with advanced (Germany, South Ko
2016-11-05 |
检测器限位开关样板图/复位开关效果实物图/检测开关设计图 Ruifeng micro switch factory is a research and development, production switches and socket manufactu
2016-11-05 |
怎样认识卧式直键开关/怎么了解侧按电源开关/琴键开关理想说 Ruifeng micro switch factory is specialized in the design and production of button switches, key swi
2016-11-05 |
USB插口公共脚/USB插座公共电路/USB插孔引脚电路说 Ruifeng micro-switch factory accumulated more than 30 degrees in the professional manufacture of ele
2016-11-05 |
公司名称: |
瑞丰微控开关厂 |
公司类型: |
私营有限责任公司 (生产加工) |
所 在 地: |
广东/东莞/东莞市 |
公司规模: |
501-1000人 |
注册资本: |
188万人民币 |
注册年份: |
1991 |
资料认证: |
经营模式: |
生产加工 |
经营范围: |
设计研发按动式电源开关,拨动开关,带灯防水自锁开关,按键自锁开关,防水防尘轻触开关,五向开关,旋转开关,微动开关,耳机插孔IPX8,防水DC插座,直键开关,微动开关,船型开关,钮子开关,五向开关,防水带灯按钮开关,门锁开关,振动开关 |
销售的产品: |
包括带灯发光自锁开关,轻触防水带灯开关,按键按动开关,复位检测开关,微动开关,立体耳机插座IPX7,防水DC电源插座,拨动开关,推动开关,USB插座,带灯防水按钮开关,防水带灯船型开关,摇摆开关,旋转开关,旋转编码器,门锁开关,振动开关,五向开关 |
采购的产品: |
原材料 |
主营行业: |
- 联系人:杨先生(先生)
- 职位:技术部(经理)
- 电话:0769-82055128
- 邮件:wealthmetal@163.com
- 手机:13751237828
- 传真:0769-83566108
- 地址:广东省东莞市黄江镇鸡啼岗管理区
- 腾讯QQ: